Multi-Media Archive

Scroll down to explore various media contributions made by Nicholas, all of which feed into the Humanum philosophy as it exists today.

2021: Walking the Camino as a Pilgrim

Reflections from a journey along the Camino de Santiago.
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2021: On Becoming - 
Unconscious Process

This is a highly compressed summary of how unconscious processes play out in individuals, groups and organisations. It complements the Spiritualise Report (see next item) in being based in system psychodynamics. It is not an easy read but insight into unconscious process is not easy to gain. We believe close attention to this paper will pay dividends. Indeed, the paper concludes with naming 20 specific benefits for NHS leaders who have assimilated these insights and incorporate them in their practice.

Visit to find out more about the work of On Becoming.
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2021: On Becoming - Spiritualise

The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) spent two years preparing ‘Spiritualise - Revitalising spirituality to address 21st century challenges’ , written up by Dr Jonathan Rowson (2014). It is 94 pages long. We think it is one of the most important statements of the 21st Century so far. This is Nicholas’s 9 page summary of it. Be warned! It is dense.

If it’s going to be a struggle, why bother to read it? 

So much leadership development colludes with the idea that leaders are instrumental cogs in the healthcare machine. This approach aims to increase your efficiency in doing required tasks. On Becoming takes a different view. We believe in your development as human beings. We see Improved practice is a by-product of this.

Underpinning On Becoming is our perspective of systems thinking. Systems thinking connects everything to everything else in the infinite complexity of total interdependency. This leads us to prioritise mutual empowerment through embodied wisdom in human relationships. The Spritualise Report expresses this perspective eloquently and comprehensively. The full Report is available online (

Visit to find out more about the work of On Becoming.
Read the Spiritualise Summary

2021: The GROW Coaching Model

Coaching powerfully helps people change, grow, find their authority and switch their problems into positive outcomes. A coaching approach is almost universally applicable - at work, at home, as parents, as partners or between friends.

Who can be a coach? Anyone can learn the basics very quickly. After that, just keep practising.

A coach does not advise because advice rarely helps. A coach leaves out their own opinion and focusses on enabling someone to think for themselves and reach their own conclusions. 

Here is a four-minute video on how to do it.

2021: Fundamentals of Pastoral Care

In January 2021 Nicholas worked online to help ordinands from St Augustine’s Theological College in Kent learn the fundamentals of pastoral care. This three-and-a-half-minute video is to introduce the work.

2019: The Leadership Quest Podcast

Ever wondered if you were born to be a leader? The one that steps up when the party is dying a death and the team morale is on the floor? The one that somehow just knows what needs to be said and what needs to be done? If that's you - perhaps you're considering the next stage in your career - the chance to step up. But you're not sure where to start!

Host Anne Cooper speaks with Nicholas Bradbury about humanity and connectedness; with ourselves and others.

Follow the link below and scroll down to locate the web player.
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2019: Reflections on life and love in the world of Trump, Brexit, the NHS and the Church of England

We live in different but connected contexts including those of system interdependencies, psychological processes, personal characteristics (e.g. my ‘tapes’, triggers and shadows), an authority context and so on.
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2018: Review, The Practical Theology of Pierre-André Liégé: Radical Dominican and Vatican II Pioneer

James Woodward's in-depth review of Nicholas' book, The Practical Theology of Pierre-André Liégé: Radical Dominican and Vatican II Pioneer, which appeared in The Journal of Christian Social Ethics, January 2018.
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Stages of Personal Development

This 4 minute video was made for the NHS Leadership Academy’s free online Edward Jenner programme. It offers a neat framework for understanding different levels of human maturity.

2011: Why attending to unconscious processes matters in NHS Leadership Development

The aim of this paper is to re-argue the case for paying attention to unconscious processes and to assert that the price of their neglect right now is far too high. Indeed, the laudable aims of providing NHS leadership that is fit for purpose will not be met if this core issue continues to be ignored.
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1985: Thought for the Day

Nicholas has made over 130 BBC broadcasts. In this example from a Radio 4 TODAY programme, he shares how a Hindu perspective can enlarge and enhance your spiritual insight.

Complexity Theory Part 1

When Nicholas was Head of Nursing and Midwifery Leadership Development at the NHS Leadership Academy he made some videos to help this work. In this 7 minute video he explains why command and control leadership generally doesn’t work.

Complexity Theory Part 2

In the second, slightly longer, video Nicholas describes how to understand good leadership and what it looks like in practice.

1985: Thought for the Day

When Vicar of Tottenham, Nicholas got involved with many health and wellbeing issues in the community. In this Radio 4 talk for the TODAY programme he shares how relationships with people suffering with seriously troubled mental health can enhance our humanity.
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