On Becoming

On Becoming aims to grow leaders who have the wisdom, skill and courage to change their worlds.

In 2019 Nicholas Bradbury, Kate Burnett and Louisa Hardman founded On Becoming as a leadership programme of empowerment for the new healthcare profession of Physician Associates. 

In 2020, we ran On Becoming programmes for Physician Associates and Foundation Doctors. In 2021, we both continue to run programmes and are promoting the On Becoming approach to leadership development as a social movement. 

Humanum and On Becoming are two expressions of the same approach; to develop the leader is to develop the human...
On Becoming offers development for people that are serious about human growth and leadership potential.

On Becoming engages its participants in depth to see who they are with new eyes, in service of their agency and impact in their worlds.

Most On Becomers have had previous experience of other development programmes. They tell us that On Becoming is in a different league and their first experience of a truly transformative process.

"This depth of humanity is what our health and social care systems are crying out for. The collective intelligence and system creativity that has come from this investment has been outstanding. Long may it continue!"

Glenn Coleman, NHS England & Improvement (Director of Primary Care)

"The system coaching we had was life changing, both professionally and personally. The processes of making 'conscious and intentional' will live on in all we do."

Catherine Perry (President CEP)
Visit the On Becoming website
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